0.1.7 Weekly Small Update

  • Remade the second interview with Freya. 6 newly remade animations added
  • Refined Freya's model
  • Changed the main menu to match the story
  • Changed the game icon
  • We are getting there. Don't worry about the storyline!
  • Reduce the size of Android version
  • Best regards and love to my  fans and especially to my Chinese fans!
    Thank you for playing the official version instead of Pirate version.

  • 重制了与弗蕾娅的第二次面试。新增了6个重制动画
  • 优化了弗蕾娅的模型
  • 修改了主菜单以配合故事情节
  • 修改了游戏的图标
  • 我正在逐步完善故事情节!
  • 特别鸣谢哦的中国同胞们!


city-lights-love-bites-win.zip 2.5 GB
Version 0.1.7 53 days ago
naughtyoba.cllb-0.1.7-1722902745-release.apk 1.1 GB
Version 0.1.7 53 days ago
city-lights-love-bites-mac.zip 2.5 GB
Version 0.1.7 53 days ago

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